About - The Not-for-Landfill Network

Not-for-Landfill is an environmental campaign created by One Stop Waste Solutions Ltd. Key supporting partners include XIC, Stellas Voice, Keenan Recycling & Wood Recyclability,

We started the campaign for a number of different reasons including to:

• Reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfill sites in the North East of Scotland.
• Promote and support the great work that local enterprises are doing to reuse, repair and recycle
• Provide a local network where businesses and organisations can share their own experiences in avoiding landfill.
• Raise awareness of the Scottish Government's “Zero Waste” (to landfill) objectives.
• Highlight our own core values as a Not-for-Landfill company and our positive impact on reducing waste.

Campaign Targets:

  1. Encourage Business's and Organisations to sign up to the Not-For Landfill pleadge
  2. Create a Green Networking Group
  3. Create a Resource Exchange
  4. Host a series of Free Events through the North East of Scotland
  5. Encourage Organisatiosn to engage with with Charities and Organisatiosn who can e help reduce their waste outputs.

Why avoid Landfill?

1. Landfilling waste is....well, a Waste!

Did you know that aluminium cans and plastic bottles take at least 200 years to decompose in Landfill?

​And did you know that a 1ltr plastic bottle requires 250ml of oil to make it?

2. Landfill is Expensive

• Anyone disposing of waste at a landfill site in Scotland is due to pay Scottish Landfill Tax.

• Scottish Landfill Tax has risen 5 fold in the last 10 years.

• Landfill tax from 1st April 2020 will be £94.15 per tonne

One of the simplest ways to avoid paying this Government tax is to consider how your waste can be reduced, re-used, repaired and recycled instead. Another factor is that instead of this money going to the Government your business could be supporting local enterprises creating further benefits to the local area.

3. Landfill Sites Pollute the Environment

Diverting waste away from landfill prevents pollution that can harm our health and the environment. These include methane, carbon dioxide and other harmful gas emissions and pollution of the soil, surface water and groundwater.

Did you know that whenever it rains heavily a capped landfill site in Aberdeen leaches oil and drilling mud into the environment?

4. Community Benefits Landfill

Landfill diversion creates local jobs and saves money. The Not-for-Landfill campaign will promote and support the great work that local enterprises are doing to recycle, repair and promote landfill diversion.

“By taking simple steps to reduce waste, Scottish businesses could save an estimated £2 billion” Zero Waste Scotland

5. Get ready for the future:

Did you know that as part of Scotland's "Zero Waste" strategy that by 2025 a maximum of only 5% of Scotland's waste should be sent to landfill, with 70% Recycled.

Other targets include:-

A ban on biodegradable materials going to landfill from 2025

70% of Scotland’s waste to be recycled by 2025


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